Outlet Store Policy

With respect to all merchandise sold at the outlet:

  • ALL SALES ARE FINAL and All items sold “AS IS

    • Appliances may be returned within 48 hours if found to be defective

    • All items are sold with no warranties

    • The Outlet does not accept returns from items purchased at the store or on Wayfair.com

  • No Cash or Checks

    • Wayfair Outlet accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express

  • The prices are fixed and non-negotiable

    • No stacking of discounts; only one (1) promotional discount can be applied during checkout

  • All risk in the merchandise shall pass to the purchaser upon purchase

  • Wayfair Outlet employees are NOT authorized to load any merchandise into customer vehicle

  • Wayfair Outlet is not responsible for arranging or paying for pick-up or delivery of any merchandise

    • The customer may work directly with Wayfair Outlet’s independent carrier to arrange and pay for pick-up and delivery

    • Wayfair Outlet is not responsible for the delivery or other services offered by any independent carriers

    • All items must be taken at the time of purchase. If you have scheduled delivery with our independent carrier, pick-up date should not exceed seven (7) days from date of purchase. No Exceptions.